Friday, September 4, 2015

Lesson learned.

          Since moving from California to Colorado back in May of 2014, God has been showing me what it means to come to Him. Him first. Him alone. He is all I need. This should have been an easy concept for me to grasp. But the truth is, it was not. All of my life, I had my family either a few yards or miles away, depending on the stage of life. It was so convenient to just run across the hall and cry in my sisters lap, or run down the stairs to see my dad in his normal spot, and just sit there til he asked "What can dad do for you, Linny?" It was the amazing comfort in the known. The peace that was felt by a physical touch of a hug or rub on the back. I needed that. God knew I needed that. He created me. He also knew that I was going to be moving to Colorado before I did. He had prepared so many little details along the way that I was completely oblivious to.

       A week or so before moving, I had coffee with a dear friend and mentor. She asked me what God was doing in my life, besides the obvious. I told her that He was asking that I let Him show me what "being my Father" meant. When God revealed that to me, it was in a moment of deep sadness at the realization that I was leaving my dad. I felt so excited to be jumping into a new adventure, one that was risky and scary and beautiful all in one. Jeremy and I would be able to really create a firm foundation for our relationship. Memories were awaiting me. So much good was ahead. But there was still that part of my heart that was so sad to be so far away from many that I loved and saw regularly. God is our Father. He is my Father. He is literally ALL that I need. It took moving 1200 miles away for me to truly experience that.
      All that we have around us is going to be gone someday. We wont be taking anything with us. What we will have, what is eternal and never ending is our relationship with our Father. Pour everything you have into that. It is the best way to spend your time. I can attest to that now, after being off of work for the past 5 weeks. I couldn't wait to just have downtime to myself. I couldn't wait to just watch movies, workout, meet with friends, watch Law and Order SVU...whatever it was. I learned that it all was a waste of time. Completely empty in comparison to the times that I spent in prayer, worship, reading His Word, waiting on Him to speak. Those times were completely irreplaceable. I left those moments with peace, confidence, joy and a heart full of love from the Giver of Life, Jesus Christ. 
       Come to Him. Come and sit in the best presence ever, Jesus' presence is something that you literally cant describe accurately. No words can express the joy and life that He, and He alone, is able to give His kids. 

      One worship song that was on repeat during the month of August was "Come Ye Sinners" by Vertical Church Band. 

     The chorus says this.....

"I will rise and go to Jesus...
 He will embrace me as his own..
In the arms of my Savior...
There is life forevermore..."

followed by a verse....

 "Come ye weary, heavy-laden 
   Lost and ruined by the fall..
   If you wait until your better..
   You will never come at all....

So all of that to say, drop whatever it is that you're doing...
Rise and GO to Jesus! He just wants embrace you and love whatever condition you are in. 

John 6:35 
"Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." 

In Him,
