Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I am Yours.

Some random thoughts from my heart.
I was driving home from a pretty long day ( relatively speaking ) and trying to just debrief and sit in the presence of God. Some may wonder how that is possible while driving....but for has been a setting for God to just speak and me to just be still and listen. 

Kari Jobe is one of my favorite worship artists. She is so real and passionate about worshiping our GOD! How awesome. So... I was listening to "Love Came Down" and as the song played, I sang, cried, sang, cried. The song finally came to bridge. I have heard it probably 30 times before but it just hit my heart. 

The bridge goes: 

I am Yours,
I am Yours.
All my days,
Jesus I am Yours.

I. Am. Yours. 

All my days. All my days. That is when God spoke. 

"Lindsy, all days I am worthy. All days, I love you. All days, I accept you. All days, I long to speak to you and lead you and comfort you. Days that are good. Days that are bad. Days that are heavy. Days that are sad. In the joy. In the tears. In the pain. In the excitement of the day. All days."

He wants to be my ALL IN ALL, all days. Regardless of where I am, what the day may bring, Jesus wants all of me. 

That right there, is the sweetest truth. So why do I not jump into that promise and let God meet me where I am at? Why do I look to people, my Husband, my friends, my family, etc. try and be what only GOD can be for me and my soul. 

His grace covers all of my flaws and all of my mistakes. Thank you, Jesus. 

As today comes to an end, I will rest in the truth that Love (Jesus) came down to "rescue me" LOVE  came down to "set me free" and I will always choose to be His ( Jesus ) all of my days. He is worthy. He is good. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 [Full Chapter]
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Let God be your All in All, all days. 

This is lesson I will be learning for life. 

In His love, 
